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Ag Commentary
Shell Eggs: Daily National Egg Market-at-a-Glance
Atlanta, GA Mon. Nov 04, 2024 USDA Market News
SHELL EGGS: Daily National Egg Market-at-a-Glance
New York egg prices are unchanged for Extra Large, Large, and Medium.
California and regional prices are 41 cents higher for Jumbo, 33 to
41 cents higher for Extra Large and Large, 42 to 43 cents higher for
Medium, and 42 cents higher for Small. The undertone is mostly steady.
Demand is moderate to fairly good. Offerings are light. Supplies
are light to moderate. Market activity is moderate to at times active.
Breaking stock supplies are light to instances moderate; breaking
schedules are normal to reduced. Spent fowl offerings are moderate
to heavy for the light demand.
SOURCE: USDA Livestock, Poultry & Grain Market News Division
Atlanta, GA 404.562.5850 email:
Prepared: 04-Nov-2024 01:00 PM E NBS